Oak Tree Diseases


They say great power comes with great responsibility.

Oaks are no exception, and we are ready to survey your trees for any potential problems.

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Sudden Oak Death
This tragic ailment is a plant pathogen Phytophthora ramorum which is similar to a fungal infestation. Without careful study of an infected tree, this disease most often presents itself when the tree suddenly and catastrophically defoliates and dies. Unfortunately, this is an untreatable condition once it takes hold.

However, there are steps we can take to spot and treat it before it is lost.


What signs to look for

Girdling: (Branch Starvation and drop) A sudden die back of new or existing growth in the crown or undergrowth of the tree. This is uncommonly attributed to a lack of watering and if improperly treated by over watering may accelerate the infection. …

Girdling: (Branch Starvation and drop) A sudden die back of new or existing growth in the crown or undergrowth of the tree. This is uncommonly attributed to a lack of watering and if improperly treated by over watering may accelerate the infection. Older infections will present with dropped limbs, branches, or splitting of the trunk.

Bleeding Cankers: One or more areas of sap dripping from the bark or exposed roots of the tree. A tell tale sign of systemic distress, and can often be overlooked as an injury due to woodpeckers or squirrel burrowing. Look for ants making trails to these sores as a food source.

Leaf Blight: A common initial presentation of one or more infections in a variety of oak trees are large dead spots on both new and mature leaf growth. Look for green leaves on the ground around the tree with similar markings to those above as this …

Leaf Blight: A common initial presentation of one or more infections in a variety of oak trees are large dead spots on both new and mature leaf growth. Look for green leaves on the ground around the tree with similar markings to those above as this may still be a sign that the tree is steal healthy enough to accept treatment.


Sudden Oak Death is catastrophic to our rural and urban forests and is becoming widespread in California since the early 2000’s
If there are trees dying in your area, your trees may have already been exposed. Preventative treatments area available to help protect your property from this expanding threat. If you would like to speak with our Licensed technician about your trees, and determine if one or more is presenting signs of illness or could potentially be exposed. Please call us today to schedule a free consultation and survey of your property.


Oak Parasites
Mushrooms and Insects are a natural part of the lifecycle of our forests, cleaning the forest floor of fallen materials and breaking down plant matter into soil.

However, when the opportunity presents itself, they can start on the process of digesting plant matter while the tree is still using those tissues. Some ornate, and often beautiful mushrooms are often overlooked by gardeners as they are indeed a sign of a healthy soil biome. A Biome that now includes your dying tree.

If you see fungus or invasive insects in and around any tree you wish to preserve, please act fast as the spores are already spreading further afield and the bugs are burrowing deeper.


What signs to look for

Mushrooms: There are a wide variety of mushrooms natural to Northern California,  some are harmful if not deadly to Humans and pets, while others are sought by local connoisseurs for exotic meals. In either case the fungus is making it’s own meal of…

Mushrooms: There are a wide variety of mushrooms natural to Northern California, some are harmful if not deadly to Humans and pets, while others are sought by local connoisseurs for exotic meals. In either case the fungus is making it’s own meal of your tree which will eventually cause weakness in the roots or trunk of the tree and the eventual fall and death of the tree.

Oak Leaf Blister: A fungal infection very closely related to Taphrina deformans, which causes peach leaf curl. This disease causes lesions and blisters on Oak leaves, while the effects of the disease are mostly cosmetic, this condition will weaken a…

Oak Leaf Blister: A fungal infection very closely related to Taphrina deformans, which causes peach leaf curl. This disease causes lesions and blisters on Oak leaves, while the effects of the disease are mostly cosmetic, this condition will weaken a tree over time and is best treated if found.

Oak Apple Gall: Caused by the Oak Gall Wasp which emerge from the galls in winter to lay eggs in buds. When eggs hatch and new growth resumes on the Oak tree, salivary secretions of the wasp force the tree to form the gall that protects the developi…

Oak Apple Gall: Caused by the Oak Gall Wasp which emerge from the galls in winter to lay eggs in buds. When eggs hatch and new growth resumes on the Oak tree, salivary secretions of the wasp force the tree to form the gall that protects the developing wasp. Rarely does this damage the tree but heavy infestations, especially on young trees, may cause injury or death.

Oak Fungal Infections are common, slow acting, and can be treated if caught early enough.
If your tree is loosing limbs, presenting with fungal growth, showing signs of stunted growth or open and rotting heartwood, it’s time to act. Preventative treatments area available to help the tree fight off this infection. If you would like to speak with our Licensed technician about your trees, and determine if one or more is presenting signs of illness or could potentially be exposed. Please call us today to schedule a free consultation and survey of your property.


Pines / Cedars


Dutch Elm Disease